A trip that I will remember fondly is when I traveled to Mexico for 3 months, with my siblings Raúl, Betsabé and my sister-in-law Silvia. 

There I met a very magical culture for its history, food and customs, for the first time I participated in a quinceañera party, I tasted the famous tacos, my favorite by the way the "Taco al Pastor", also I visited beautiful places full of exuberant nature.

I was particularly impressed by a tour we did with my family, we entered an apartment in the center of the city, on the outside it looked ordinary, but inside they discovered vestiges of the Mayan culture, an example of this was a tzompantli, this is a wall of skulls with human remains left over from human sacrifices, this is evidence of how the Spanish tried to eliminate all traces of the indigenous culture of Mexico by erecting these structures in sacred places for the native inhabitants.


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